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Svelte Native App containing travel news from

Svelte Native World Wide Travel News

This is a simple app for iOS/Android that uses to fetch and display travel news from around the world. It is build using the Svelte-Native framework to build a native application. Svelte-Native is build on top of Nativescript, so you need to go through the setup guide there in order to install the TNS CLI tools.

Set up and build

To test the project, run:

npm install
tns run [ios|android]

Project Structure


This is the main entrance to the project. But this file only import the screens in the project, and sets up the bottom navigation


This file..

  • fetches news-data
  • shows an initial scrollable list of travel news from all over the world, using scrollView


This files is not totally ready. The plan was that this file could show an initial scrollable list of saved articles from the list on the other tab (Articles)


This file is not totally ready. But this is a component via Svelte-Native's showModal() function. It is a simple article display that..

  • displays more detailed information about the news article, which is sent from the main component as a prop.
  • uses closeModal() to get back to the main screen. The plan was to add a "save" button, so you could save this article to the "Saved" screen. And the other plan was to show a "Read more" button, which would take you to the original site of the article.

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