Simple Pastebin clone to learn and understand sveltekit
Paster written in Svelte based on formorer/
A no-datastore, client-side paste service. Now with brotli!
Svelte application for saving and viewing copypastas. Styled with Tailwind.css
A simple pastebin web app created to learn about Svelte and Firebase
Past from clipboard or upload image example using Svelte
Public repository containing internal Svelte scripts that I have been using o…
A pasty weblet connected to the grid client to deploy machines. Written in sv…
Svelte app + Notion API to translate Notion database into Discord copy-pastab…
Compare countries on 14 metrics over the past 60 years
The collection of patterns showcased come from my past explorations on codepe…
Web app to track progress while playing A Link to the Past Randomizer
VIsualisation on fly, you fools!!!!
A Web app written in Svelte which helps students practice A level past papers
📧 An analysis of advertisements colleges have sent me in the past year.
A simple and effective single-page portfolio showcasing past projects and cle…
A website to practise past papers for A Level Chemistry (9701), Physics (9702…
SQA past paper question categorisation and revision site (I can't get the dom…
🪄 Tiniest `time ago` Toolbox. Supports {ago|in}. Batteries Included.
This was a fun weekend project, inspired by my past experiences customizing m…