Svelte Meta Tags provides components designed to help you manage SEO for Svel…
Optimize your website for search engines and social media with meta tags, Ope…
Demo site for SvelteKit SEO showing how to set up meta tags in a SvelteKit bl…
Svelte SaaS template, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Modular persisted store, Meta…
.NET + Svelte SaaS template, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Modular persisted stor…
A Svelte component that accepts props for common meta tags that allows overri…
A meta tags generator app written using Svelte JS
A template made for travellers.
Svelte SaaS template, Tailwind CSS, Modular persisted store, Meta-tags, i18n,…
Give Website Name , Customize Navbar with pagename , Create Page using Grapes…
The package deals with managing the head section of your Svelte application, …