New edubadges frontend code repository using Svelte
ClassQuiz is a quiz-application like Kahoot!, but open-source.
eLearning application with related services built-in, such as dedicated Markd…
Full-Stack website, system for a school
edu svelte project
Svelte app test for edu
redo of proj 3 without svelte
Website rewrite in Svelte/Sapper
repo to exercise max tutorial
(Bow bow) Oh yeah (Chick chicka chicka)
for svelte edu with trello clone app using snowpack
This is simple app that I made using Svelte.
A new, simple, modern and secure digital work environment. Built with Svelte …
New version of site made for performance, security and with svelte and pocket…
recreation of in…
Main website - Hint: Coming Soon!
webtool that allows collaborational brainstorming in the www