Bring the power of Svelte to your Django projects.
🍨 A vite plugin that improves the svelte development experience
Easily transform SVG files inside of Svelte components
Typesafe i18n with great DX
This tool has been deprecated. This repo will no longer be actively developed…
A DX-first, type-safe SvelteKit starter template built for self-hosting. Incl…
🧩 jump to local IDE source code while click the element of browser automatica…
Simple DeepL translate frontend with no tracker and ads
daisyui class functions and svelte components
style functions and svelte components for daisyui
Components for building UIs with DXOS
A starter project built with SvelteKit and Divblox cli
dev friendly sveltejs simple table
This is a modern front-end boilerplate which is partially based on islands ar…
Support multiple components in a single Svelte file, with full DX support
A finance tracker app wrapped with Astro to compare Vue 3 and Svelte 4 DX
College project (Internet technology S3): 6 versions of the same web app - bu…