Carbone Cloud API Javascript SDK

The javascript SDK to use Carbone Cloud easily into your frontend (Angular, Vuejs, Svelte, React, Ember.js...).

Carbone is a document generator (PDF, DOCX, XLSX, ODT, PPTX, ODS, XML, CSV...) using templates and JSON data. Learn more about the Carbone ecosystem.


npm install --save carbone-sdk-js


yarn add carbone-sdk-js


  import carboneSDK from "carbone-sdk-js";
  // SDK constructor, pass your private API key as the first argument
  const _carboneService = carboneSDK("eyJhbGc...");
  // Template from a file input OR template ID
  const _template = document.getElementById("inputFile").files[0];
  // Data from an input
  let _data = JSON.parse(document.getElementById("inputData").value);
  // Render the report from a template and a JSON Data
  _carboneService.render(_template, _data).then(({ content, name }) => {
    // name == report name as a String
    // content == report content as a Blob, it can be used to download the file

Checkout an integration example.


Build for production

To edit build options, look at the file "build.js" for more details.

$ npm run build

After running the command, the script is available on the folder "dist".

Run tests

Build the project

$ npm run build

To run all the tests:

$ npm run test

If you need to test the generation of templateId, you can use the nodejs main.js to test the sha256 generation.

$ node ./tests/generate_template_id.js

🤝 Contributing

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Feel free to check issues page.

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