
Sveltekit Pocketbase Template

For developing full-stack applications with SvelteKit, PocketBase, and Tailwind.

SvelteKit + PocketBase Template

For developing full-stack applications with SvelteKit, PocketBase, and Tailwind. Security is not guaranteed; further measures should be taken to ensure authentication and database function properly.

If you are already familiar with working with PocketBase, simply ignore the below configuration.

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1. Set up PocketBase

Create a new PocketBase instance and get logged in. At least for testing purposes, is a great resource.

2. Secure your users

In Pocketbase, edit the API Rules of the existing "users" collection to match the following:

  • List/Search Action - Custom Rule: id =
  • View Action - Custom Rule: id =
  • Create Action - Custom Rule: (empty)
  • Update Action - Custom Rule: id =
  • Delete Action - Custom Rule: id =
  • Manage Action - Admins Only: (empty)

3. Set up messages

Create a new "messages" collection, and set up the two following fields:

  • Text field named "text"
    • Max Length = 100
    • Nonempty = true
  • Relation field named "user"
    • Collection = "users"
    • Max Select = 1
    • Nonempty = true

4. Secure messages

Edit the API Rules of the "messages" collection to match the following:

  • List/Search Action - Custom Rule: (empty)
  • View Action - Custom Rule: (empty)
  • Create Action - Custom Rule: user =
  • Update Action - Admins Only: (empty)
  • Delete Action - Admins Only: (empty)

5. Connect to PocketBase

Back in your code, create a .env file and set PUBLIC_POCKETBASE_URL to the base URL of your PocketBase instance.

6. Happy coding!

Your full-stack application should now be functional!

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