
Svelte Kit

A SvelteKit starter project.


A starter project ready to rock and roll!

Conventions & Documentation

Getting Started

To get started, make sure you have NVM installed to manage your current version of Node and NPM:

brew install nvm

Once NVM has been installed, navigate to the project's root directory and run:

nvm install
nvm use

Now install all of the project's dependencies via NPM:

npm ci

You'll need to set up a local .env file to declare our required environment variables. You can copy the example file to get up and running locally:

cp .env.example .env

Finally, you can start up the application:

npm run dev

This starts your app in development mode, rebuilding assets on file changes. If you make a change to your .env file, you'll need to quit the npm run dev process and restart.



Linting / Formatting

To format, lint, and fix all code:

npm run lint

Check / Verify Types

To verify TypeScript code:

npm run check

Build for Production

To build and run for production:

npm run production

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