
(Check the live demo @ https://zesty-semifreddo-691978.netlify.app/ )

Front-end is deployed in Netlify, and back-end is running in Google App Engine

This is a toy project I'm using to learn some new tech. I wanted to learn Elixir (and especially OTP) and figured an online game would be a good fit. I also took the opportunity to play with Svelte while I'm at it :)

Some key features to make this interesting:

  • Front-end should be a thin rendering / input processing program. All computing is delegated to the back-end and communication between back-end and front-end is done through HTTP / WebSockets
  • Multiple matches can be played concurrently


The following sequence diagram shows the back-end processes when a match is started.

The match's state machine runs inside the MatchServer. The core logic is implemented in the Pong.Core.Match.StateMachine module. It's implemented as a purely functional state machine so it's easy to unit test


To run the back-end:

cd backend
mix deps.get
mix run --no-halt

To run the front-end:

cd pong-ui
npm i
npm run dev -- --open


  • There are no integration tests because I don't know how to do them in Elixir yet :D
  • After a match ends the process stays alive forever. This is by design so we can see the results of previous matches. A better way would be to add another process that listens to matches and stores the final results so the MatchServer process can die without us losing that match's state.

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