sveltedfire Svelte Themes


Svelte 5 Implementation of Helpful Firebase Utilities


Inspired by Sveltefire, but taking a slightly different approach. Due to several changes in Svelte 5, I decided to build this package from the ground up.

SveltedFire is a client-side library intended to facilitate communication with Firebase services (currently Firestore and Firebase Auth). It consists of helper utilities for common tasks and components to handle authentication states. SveltedFire has not been tested for use as a server-side library.

This is still a work in progress. Suggestions are welcome. Note that tests are currently not configured.



In your hooks.client.ts file, import initFirebase and initialize with your Firebase configuration:

import type { ClientInit } from "@sveltejs/kit";
import { initFirebase } from "sveltedfire";
import firebaseConfig from './config.json'

export const init: ClientInit = async () => {
  await initFirebase(firebaseConfig)

This guarantees that firebase has been initialized prior to any data loading calls.


You can use the SignedIn/SignoutOut components to selectively render based on the user's authentication state. In addition, the signOut and signInWithGoogle helpers are available. Note that the signInWithGoogle automatically performs a signInWithPopup. If you would rather use signInWithRedirect, you will need to implement that manually.


To fetch a single document, use the fetchDoc method which accepts the document path as arguments. E.g.,

fetchDoc('pages', params.slug)
fetchDoc('pages', 'home', 'posts', params.postId)

To perform a query for one or more documents, use the fetchDocs method. This is a double-invoked function. The first invocation sets the collection path. The second invocation accepts either three arguments (field name, comparator, value), no arguments for a simple collection fetch, or a single argument of an already formed QueryFieldFilterConstraint or a QueryCompositeFilterConstraint. E.g.,

fetchDocs('pages')() // fetch all pages
fetchDocs('pages')('public', '==', true) // fetch all public pages
fetchDocs('pages')(and(where('published_at', '>=', '2025-01-01'), where('published_at', '<=', '2025-01-31'))) // fetch all pages published in the month of January

To listen for the snapshots of an object, use listenDoc. This takes the same parameters as fetchDoc, but returns a store. This should be used with rune syntax as below:

const value = listenDoc('pages', 'tester')

{#if $value}

In the case of both fetchDoc, fetchDocs, and listenDoc, the documents are returned as bare objects with the ID field injected into both the id and _id fields. If your data already defines an id field, it will be returned as-is; the _id field will always reference the actual ID of the object.


To build your library:

npm run package

To create a production version of your showcase app:

npm run build

You can preview the production build with npm run preview.

To deploy your app, you may need to install an adapter for your target environment.


Go into the package.json and give your package the desired name through the "name" option. Also consider adding a "license" field and point it to a LICENSE file which you can create from a template (one popular option is the MIT license).

To publish your library to npm:

npm publish

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