Svelte Lab

What is Svelte Lab?

This is a playground for learning Svelte.

Updated using >npm create vite@latest

See the live site

What does it do?

I am building Svelte components to facilitate creating an animated scrapbook.

Technical Notes

The swagger-typescript-api NPM command generates service proxies from swagger docs and should be run each time the services API changes

What is next?

  • BUG: errors are silent...e.g. run without services warnings
  • BUG: Heavily zoomed images should increase the resolution using google photos API (presently using default 512?)
  • BUG: How to not commit "mock" configuration?
  • BUG: Set-Cookie has to be set with SameSite=None
  • BUG: Warn if changes were made and not save?
  • BUG: When enough time goes by authentication fails, need to re-authenticate
  • DGN: drag-drop should be handled by CollageView not SvgImage
  • DGN: Remove the PhotoWheel from the CollageView, create a higher-level composite control
  • DGN: The signin process is janky..eliminate the Google Popup and try to stay signed in? May not be possible.
  • DGN: The "store" files have become arbitrary, refactor
  • FTR: Can crop and round corners using clip-path: inset() on the svg image (
  • FTR: Group multiple items and "frame" them with a border (fuse them into a single cell)
  • FTR: Multi-level undo/redo
  • FTR: Multi-select then align-top|bottom|left|right
  • FTR: Would be nice to multi-select and apply effect to all cells at once (zoom, rotate, border coloring, etc.)
  • FTR: Make preview-mode into a slide show or at least hide workarea in preview mode
  • LRN: Make use of 'use', '#key', '#await', 'click|once|preventDefault', named <slot>, <svelte:fragment>, $$slots, svelte:self

Authentication and Authorization

I store the CLIENT_ID and API_KEY on the server, but the client needs them to for authentication and to access Photos.

The CLIENT_ID is used to authenticate the user.

The API_KEY is used to obtain an access token to the Google Photos service.

Once authenticated, the user identity is validated on the stories/collage server and the API_KEY is returned.

Once the client has the API_KEY the user provides consent to access their photos.

Identifying the user on the server was a necessary step to ensure no users share storage. Although this app is intended for me alone, it is going to be on a public IP address and I don't want to lose my work.

Command Console

key Commmand
TODO generate this table

Future examples:

key Commmand
BGC color Set the background-color of the active cell to color
BC color Set the border-color of the active cell to color
BW 3 Sets the border width of the active cell to 3
BS . Sets the border style of the active cell to to dots


  • Story is a collection of collages
  • Collage is a collection of cells
  • Cell is an image container with transition and styling attributes


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