marta-tracker Svelte Themes

Marta Tracker

A realtime bus tracker for MARTA built with Svelte.


A web app that shows the real-time location of MARTA buses.

Where to Start

Never touched Svelte(kit)?

Start here, then move to src/routes/+page.svelte. I'll do my best to lead you from there.

I have some experience.

You're on your own.

Run Locally

Normal npm project procedure:

git clone # https
git clone [email protected]:bustinbung/marta-tracker.git # ssh

npm install

npm run dev
# or
npm run build
npm run preview



The code for this project is documented to the best of my ability. The internet is your friend for anything you don't understand. If a file isn't littered with comments, it was either: a) auto-generated or b) not worth documenting.


This project will not be maintained after December 8th, 2024. Any large-scale issues or bugs that arise will not be fixed.


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