
Svelte Simple Table

simple svelte filterable sortable paging declarative table component


npm name is svelte-simple-table

...more documentation is coming soon...

but easiest thing is just check out examples folder. I like this approach more than a big config object being defined. You can look right at html and see everything. The magic is the let:table, it gives the template below it all the stuff it needs.

What it does

  • Turn svelte tables into filterable sortable pagable tables in a nice declarative way.

What it does not do

  • server side callbacks for paging stuff.

script looks like this

import { MakeSortable, SortLink, SortHeader } from '../../makeSortable';
// only difference between SortLink and SortHeader is one is a th and one a div.

Html looks like this

        filterFields={['firstName', 'lastName', 'someNumber', '', 'address.state', 'dob']}
        sortIconCss="fa fa-sort"
        sortIconAscCss="fa fa-sort-asc"
        sortIconDescCss="fa fa-sort-desc"
        Rows: { table.rows.length }<br />
        Filtered Rows: { table.sortedAndFilteredRows.length }<br />

        <table class="table table-sm">
            <thead class="thead-light">
                    <SortHeader path={(x) => x.firstName + ' ' + x.lastName}>Full Name</SortHeader>
                    <SortHeader path="firstName">First Name</SortHeader>
                    <SortHeader path="lastName">Last Name</SortHeader>
                    <SortHeader path="someNumber">Some Number</SortHeader>
                    <SortHeader path="">City</SortHeader>
                    <SortHeader path="address.state">State</SortHeader>
                    <SortHeader path="dob" asDate>DOB</SortHeader>
                {#each table.pageRows as row}
                        <td>{ row.firstName } { row.lastName }</td>
                        <td>{ row.firstName }</td>
                        <td>{ row.lastName }</td>
                        <td>{ row.someNumber }</td>
                        <td>{ }</td>
                        <td>{ row.address.state }</td>
                        <td>{ niceDate(row.dob) }</td>
        <ul class="pagination">
            <li class="page-item" class:disabled={table.paging.currentPage === 0}>
                <button class="page-link" on:click={table.paging.onPrevious}>Previous</button>
            {#each table.paging.buttons as btn (btn)}
                <li class="page-item" class:active={}>
                    <button class="page-link" on:click={btn.onClick}>{btn.label}</button>
            <li class="page-item" class:disabled={table.paging.currentPage >= table.paging.pageCount-1}>
                <button class="page-link" on:click={table.paging.onNext}>Next</button>

pkg.svelte looks like this:

{ "name": "svelte-simple-table", "svelte": "src/index.js" }

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