king-of-tokyo-sveltekit Svelte Themes

King Of Tokyo Sveltekit

Clone of the King of Tokyo board game using SvelteKit.

King of Tokyo - Virtual Game Board v1.0


This game board is meant to be used over screen share software. All players will share their screen during their turn and the game host will update and screenshare the main game board at the end of each turn.

Video: Example Game Play Coming soon

Game Setup

  1. Connect with players over video conferencing software of your choice (i.e. Zoom, Google Meet, etc).
  2. Choose one player to host the full game board;
  3. All other players load the dice roller;
  4. Game host:
    • Choose number of players;
    • Set player names;
    • Optional: Randomize player order.

Game Play

Starting with Player 1:

  1. Share screen
  2. Roll dice
  3. Resolve dice
  4. Game Host
    1. Share screen so others can see game status and cards
    2. Update counters for players, if needed
    3. Move current player in Tokyo, if Tokyo Monster leaves
    4. Buy cards for current player, if needed
  5. Next player: go to Step 1, share screen and repeat!


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