Proof-of-concept app built using SvelteKit and Directus
This is a clone that allows users to submit and vote for feedbacks (or feature requests) for different companies to improve their products.
To use the demo:
To run the following in any environments, docker and docker compose (v2 or above) must be installed.
In addition, SOPS and age will have to be installed to decrypt secrets in the two .env files.
There are two ways to run the app. You can either run the entire app with a single docker-compose (see Manual Deploy) or run more "dev friendly" version which runs the backend services only with docker compose and then run the frontend with npm (see Develop).
To run it locally for development, first start the backend docker containers as below.
A sql dump will be restored to postgres the first time you start the datastore container, this dump also contains sample data for development and testing purposes.
# setup the private key for decryption
export SOPS_AGE_KEY_FILE=~/.sops/key.txt
bash scripts/ .enc.env
# [Optional]
# Create a ".env.local" to override any settings in .env files for local dev.
# Make sure COMPOSE_PROFILES=local is set when running sveltekit wihtout docker
# eg:
cat COMPOSE_PROFILES=local >> <project_root>/.env.local
# start up the backend containers
# dotenv -c will try to pick up ".env.local" and ".env", any environment variables defined in
# ".env.local" will have higher precedence over ".env"
dotenv -c -- docker compose up -d --build
cd webapp
bash scripts/ .enc.env
# Create ".env.local" to override any variables in ".env"
# Note: we cannot use container names to connect to APIs when running locally,
# so will use localhost instead, eg:
cat DIRECTUS_API_URL=http://localhost:8055/ >> .env.local
cat MEILI_SEARCH_API_URL=http://localhost:7700/ >> .env.local
# install npm packages
npm install
# run dev will use dotenv to pick up ".env.local" and ".env" as per package.json
npm run dev
Now visit http://localhost:5173
To reset the directus admin password, run:
docker exec directus npx directus users passwd --email [email protected] --password newpasswordhere
You can now login to directus as admin via http://localhost:8055
If you need to restore the database dump again after the initial start, do the following:
# cd to root directory of project
cd <project_root>
docker compose down
# Warning: all new data added after the initial restore will be lost and replaced by
# a fresh copy of the dump during postgres initialization
sudo rm -rf backend/datastore/pg_data
docker compose up -d --build
Indexing will run when the meilisearch container starts, but we can also invoke manually if needed using the Directus CLI:
docker compose exec directus npx directus extension:searchsync index
You will need a domain name and appropriate DNS records for caddy to work properly if you are deploying it manually on a server
# setup the private key for decryption
export SOPS_AGE_KEY_FILE=~/.sops/key.txt
bash scripts/ .enc.env
bash scripts/ webapp/.enc.env
# modify both .env files as necessary (or use dotenv as per steps above in Develop)
# make sure COMPOSE_PROFILES=all is set (the detault) in <project_root>/.env
docker compose up -d --build
To access directus admin, visit (or
If you need to make changes to ".env", simply edit ".env" and then run the script which will generate the ".enc.env" to be commited into git repo. Do NOT edit ".enc.env" file directly.
We only need the public key for encryption, so we can pass in either SOPS_AGE_RECIPIENTS (which is a public key string eg. age1068.....) or SOPS_AGE_KEY_FILE (which contains both public key and private key) as environment variables.
# .enc.env file will be generated
SOPS_AGE_RECIPIENTS=age1068XXXXX bash ./scripts/ .env
# OR
SOPS_AGE_KEY_FILE=~/.sops/key.txt bash ./scripts/ .env
Private key is required for decryption.
# .env file will be generated
SOPS_AGE_KEY_FILE=~/.sops/key.txt bash ./scripts/ .enc.env