
Sveltekit Blog

blog using mdsvex and tailwind

Creating a Blog

With MDSvex and TailwindCSS

Table of Contents

Starting up the App

npm init svelte@next app-name
cd app-name
npx svelte-add@latest tailwindcss mdsvex
npm i
npm i -D @sveltejs/adapter-static@next

Import and add adapter to svelte.config.js file.

import adapter from '@sveltejs/adapter-static';
const config = {
    kit: {
        adapter: adapter(),
        target: '#svelte',

export default config;
npm run dev

Next Steps

Create your __layout.svelte and index.svelte files to your preferences. Create a folder under routes called posts for the page files. For the actual markdown posts, create a folder at src/posts. Now that the folders are created, we can work on the files. Inside of src/posts write your markdown post in the style of the code below with the metadata title, you can add more metadata, but this will be used to list the posts.

title: Your Title

...your post

Next, inside of routes/posts create 2 files, index.svelte and [slug].svelte. In index.svelte we need to grab the posts and list them out on the page like this.

<!-- index.svelte -->
<script context="module">
    export async function load() {
    // import all md files
        const mdFiles = import.meta.globEager('../../posts/*.md')
    // turn into array and map over
        const posts = Object.entries(mdFiles).map((post) => {
      // get correct slug format
            const slug = post[0].substring(post[0].lastIndexOf('/') + 1).replace('.md', '')
      // pull out title
            const title = post[1].metadata.title
            return {
        return {
            props: {

    export let posts

    <ul class="grid grid-cols-1 gap-2">
        {#each posts as post}
                <a sveltekit:prefetch href={`/posts/${post.slug}`}>{post.title}</a>

Then, in [slug].svelte we can grab each post and display it.

<script context="module">
    export async function load({ page }) {
        const Post = (await import(`../../posts/${page.params.slug}.md`)).default
        // }
        return {
            props: {

    export let Post

    <svelte:component this="{Post}" />

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