

A golang backend serving a SPA made with svelte-tailwind-shadcn template

GOETHE: A Fullstack Template

GOETHE is a fullstack template designed to streamline the development of modern web applications. It integrates a Golang backend with a Svelte frontend, leveraging Tailwind CSS for styling and Shadcn for additional UI components. The project is structured to serve a Single Page Application (SPA) with routing capabilities provided by svelte-spa-router.


  • Golang Backend: Efficiently serves the frontend SPA and any API endpoints.
  • Svelte Frontend: A reactive UI framework for building user interfaces.
  • Tailwind CSS: Utilizes utility-first CSS for rapid UI development.
  • Shadcn: Enhances the UI with additional components and styles.
  • svelte-spa-router: Handles client-side routing for the SPA.
  • Makefile: Simplifies the build process by automating frontend and backend builds.

Getting Started

To get started with GOETHE, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the Repository

  2. Install Dependencies:

    • For the frontend, navigate to the frontend directory and run:
pnpm install
  • Ensure you have Go installed for the backend.
  1. Build and Run:
    • Use the provided Makefile to build both the frontend and backend:
  • This command compiles the Svelte frontend, injects it into the Golang backend, and starts the server.


During development, you can run the frontend and backend separately for a more interactive experience.

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