Svelte Gamepad and virtual JoyStick
Svelte library for complex input to your app, provides Gamepad integration with different UI-interfaces:
- Button A button that can either be pressed by touch or mouse, a key on the keyboard or a button on your gamepad
- Joystick A joystick with X/Y axes that can be controlled by touch/mouse input, an analog stick of your gamepad or keyboard buttons
The virtual Joystick can either be used as fallback when a real gamepad is not connected but a touchscreen is present, as indicator of the gamepad state or to provide a virtual joystick to the user.
See the +page.svelte file for a basic demo.
Take a look at SMUI Gamepad Components for an integration into Svelte Material UI
This library is used to reimagine the control of robotic systems but can also be useful in web game development prototyping.
This library can be installed using npm:
npm i -D svelte-gamepad-virtual-joystick
based on code from
- (I first thought to just use it and updated to use vite and integrate more complex button/axis handling but I also wanted to support more than 4 gamepads, have a virtual joystick and keyboard controls so this became its own thing instead of just a fork)
- nipple.js (nipple.js itself is not svelte compatible because it directly accesses
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