[<group ID>[:<group text];]<box ID>[:<box text>][;[conn marker]<conn ID>[:conn text][conn marker], ...]
group ID
is the optional group ID to which this box belongsgroup text
is the optional text which provides a user visible for this groupbox ID
is the mandatory ID for this boxbox text
is the optional text which describes this boxconnection ID
is the mandatory connection IDconnection text
is the optional user visiable connection textconnection marker
is the mark to use for the connection. The left markers denotes the beginning marker. The right side denotes the ending marker. Marker can be one of the following:.
: A dot is used>
: An arrow head (triangle) is used. The arrow head will point in the directory of the connected box (or group)| |
| (g1)[b1{b2}] |
| (g1)[b2] |
| | |
| | (g2{b1})[b3] |
| | (g2)[b2{b2}] |
text: Box3