With this module, you are able to add timelines to you Sveltekit site.
Use your package manager to install the module:
npm install @bonosoft/sveltekit-timeline
Now you can start adding timeline components to your pages.
<script lang="ts">
import { Timeline, TimelineItem } from "@bonosoft/sveltekit-timeline"
<TimelineItem status="done">
<strong>Do something</strong><br />
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.
<strong>Do something</strong><br />
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.
The standard timeline can be modefied by adding different parameters.
On a timeline item, you can set a status: Done, Ready, Wait
<TimelineItem status="done">
<TimelineItem status="ready">
<TimelineItem status="wait">
Items with no status will have a dotted line to the next item.
The standard status colors can be changed from green, cyan and grey to match your site layout
<TimelineItem status="done" doneColor="#080" doneBorderColor="#070">
<TimelineItem status="ready" readyColor="#088" readyBorderColor="#077">
<TimelineItem status="wait" waitColor="#555" waitBorderColor="#444">
<TimelineItem color="#333" borderColor="#222">
The size and linewidth attributes can be used to change the size of the dots and connecting line.
<TimelineItem status="done" size="15" linewidth="3">
<TimelineItem status="done" size="50" linewidth="10">
Timeline is also usable as a task or todo list