With this module, you are able use base32 encoding on you Sveltekit site.
Use your package manager to install the module:
npm install @bonosoft/sveltekit-base32
Now you can start using the Base32 class in your pages.
<script lang="ts">
import Base32 from "@bonosoft/sveltekit-base32"
const base32 = new Base32();
With the encode you can use base32 to tranform your data info a string of standard capital letters and digits. The encoding is not an encryption, and can easily be transformed back into the original data.
var myEncodedString = base32.encodeString("mySecret");
const secret = new Uint8Array(10);
for(let i=0; i<10; i++) {
secret[i] = Math.floor(Math.random() * 256);
let base32secret: string = base32.encode(secret);
The decode functions return the base32 strings back into your original data.
var mySecret : string = base32.decodeString("NV4VGZLDOJSXI===");
console.log( base32.decode("5GJGHSQGJXXNSB5Y") );
Most TOTP applications requires that your shared secret is a base32 encoded string.
In your browser you are able to make a more secure random secret for your TOTP app.
const secret = new Uint8Array(10);
let totpsecret: string = base32.encode(secret);