svelte-transition-extras Svelte Themes

Svelte Transition Extras

Finer-grained execution over Svelte's built-in transitions


A set of Svelte transition effects that wrap the built-in transition functions (fade, slide, etc.), allowing for a bit more control over their execution.


npm install svelte-transition-extras --save

Or, if you're using Yarn:

yarn add svelte-transition-extras


This library is comprised of two sub-modules:

if Runs a transition only if the supplied condition property is true
once Runs a transition only once in the app's lifetime, keyed off the supplied id property

As an example, for conditional transitions:

  import { fade } from 'svelte-transition-extras/if'

  export let transitionHeader = true

<!-- Fade the H1 element in if the component's `transitionHeader` prop is true;
otherwise perform no transition. -->

<h1 in:fade={{ condition: transitionHeader }}>Hello!</h1>

And for a transition that will only run once during the application's lifetime:

  import { fade } from 'svelte-transition-extras/once'

  // In order to track elements, an `id` property must be supplied as an
  // argument to the transition. When using TypeScript, you'll receive
  // an error if it's not supplied.

  // The identifier could just as easily be randomnly-generated (a
  // v4 UUID should work well enough in most cases)

  const h1Id = 'this-component-h1-id'

<h1 in:fade={{ id: h1Id }}>Hello!</h1>

More details

For more information on the Svelte transition this library wraps, see Svelte's documentation.


For convenience -- and to help prevent overlap with Svelte's built-ins -- all the included transitions are also available as aliases in the core svelte-transition-extras package:

if once
blurIf blurOnce
drawIf drawOnce
fadeIf fadeOnce
flyIf flyOnce
scaleIf scaleOnce
slideIf slideOnce


  • crossfade!



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