

Google Maps JS Geocoder


Google Maps JS Geocoder


This is a very simple tool that is meant to be a "workshop" for address lookups, using the Google JavaScript Geocode API.

It has two boxes:

Address Entry Form
    This form is on the top, and contains a bunch of text input fields.
    You enter the address into these fields, and the string below them shows how the address is being "built."
    When you submit the form, a Google Geocode is done, using the "built" address. You can also enter a long/lat pair,
    and do a reverse geocode.

Geocode Response Display
    This is on the bottom, and displays the result of the lookup. It displays them as simple <div> elements.
    Between the two forms is a column of links that allows you to copy data from the response to the corresponding
    text input in the Entry form.
    You will also have a link in the response form that allows you to go to Google Maps to observe the location there.
    If there are more than one places that correspond to the given data, they are displayed, one at a time, and links
    are provided to help you select which one is displayed.

Bootstrapped using SvelteKit. Powered by Svelte and Vite


Once you've installed dependencies with npm install (or pnpm install or yarn), start a development server:

npm run dev

# or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
npm run dev -- --open


To create a production version of your app:

npm run build

You can preview the production build with npm run preview.


New deploys are done with every push to the main branch.

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