iocaste-query Svelte Themes

Iocaste Query

(work in progress) minimal react query style client for svelte(kit). focused entirely on queries and mutations

Iocaste Query

I am bad at naming things, will change it to something better before releasing

What is this?

A react query inspired query client for Svelte.

Why not just use tanstack query for svelte?

  • It does not use the svelte 5 runes system
  • It has not been updated in a while
  • There is a lot of heavy stuff in there that I really don't need/want. All I really need is a good way to make queries and mutations
  • I wanted to learn how to make this myself lol

Want to try it?

This is a work in progress, things will break, and it is not yet published to npm

  • Clone the repo
  • Run pnpm install
  • Run pnpm run dev
  • Go to http://localhost:5173
  • You can play around with the demo queries and mutations in the src/routes folder

What is done

  • Basic queries are ready
  • Basic mutations are ready
  • Queries are cached so that if they share a key they will not run twice
  • Invalidation of queries is ready
  • Creating a client is ready


  • Proper caching of queries. Right now if they share a key they will share data between them. I also need to setup cache lifetime and stuff like that.
  • Documentation
  • Tests
  • Making it so that you can pass state variables into queries and then have the queries automatically rerun when those state variables change
  • Abort controller support
  • Make it so that when you refetch a query that is currently loading it will cancel the previous request
  • License (will be MIT)
  • Naming (I am bad at naming things, will change it to something better before releasing)
  • More examples
  • Release it to npm

Previous scratch work

This project took me about 4 days to make. It started out as trying to make a TRPC for svelte, and I realized after building a server side version of it that TRPC is not something that should be rebuilt.

I then worked on a couple versions of a react query for svelte. I made a first version that was kind of a shit show. I then worked on porting the current tanstack query svelte package to runes and kinda decided it's not worth it. May go back to it later.

I also made a version that used Effect for the resolver. I personally like this better tbh, but I know it's gonna kill adoption.

Finally I made this version, it's the best one so far. Very much a WIP but I think it's a good start.

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