Pick Palette

A color palette manager made with Svelte!
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- Smooth transitions done purely with
- Custom-built color picker with support for h, s, v, r, g, b modes
- Custom-built drag-and-drop color tabs
- Fullscreen file input
- Full undo/redo functionality with Immer
- Data is all kept in local storage
- Multi-tab support with local storage synchronization
- Keyboard shortcuts with Mousetrap
- Project import/export file with validation
- Routing with @bjornlu/svelte-router
- Color blindness simulation with @bjornlu/colorblind
- Developed with Vite, TypeScript and Windi CSS
- Snackbar is never used
- State management is separated to
, actions
, effects
and utils
- Color picker isn't perfect but functional. Defects include:
- Color box gradient is inaccurate in different browsers
- Dispatched changes aren't properly throttled
- Default generated shades is only OK looking
Install dependencies with pnpm install
# Start dev server
$ pnpm dev
# Build for production
$ pnpm build
# Preview production build
$ pnpm serve
# Format code with Prettier
$ pnpm format
Code is auto-formatted on each git push
with husky and lint-staged.