survey-md Svelte Themes

Survey Md

Svelte survey creator from markdown string - component

What is Survey-md

Survey-md is an attempt to simplify creating and using surveys through the code. As a starting point, I used project which provided the same functionality but on server side. I am trying to offer something like this out of necessity to use similar library for dynamically survey generation using markdown coming from BE. md stands for Markdown as I am using markdown language to describe the surveys. All results are stored in context object and you can easily access them using context["question_name"]. There are couple of rules how to do that:

  • Pages are delimited by using standard Markdown delimiter, either *** or ---
  • Questions are marked with question mark as the first character on the line, following with the question variable ?question_name
  • Closed questions are always followed with the list of available items, which is described using normal Markdown syntax
  • Opened questions are followed with placeholder text
  • If you would like to display answer on the survey, you can do that by enclosing the question_name within curly brackets, {question_name}
  • Also, in addition to this, you can add dynamic question selection by using regular Javascript expressions enclosed in curly brackets
  • You can also specify max number of answers question can provide with using max=num and min=num after the question_name
  • You can specify conditions for displaying elements of the surveys, like submit buttons or even displaying whole pages. Condition is specified using @ as the first character on the line. It should be followed by conditional javascript expression.
  • Lists of the available answers can be shuffled by using shuffle after the question_name in the question description
  • Numbers can be entered by using selection box, using min=num max=num right after the question_name. The question type should be opened question.
  • Style can also be overwritten by using <style> html tag within your markdown snippet.

Using Survey-md

Using survey-md is simple, you should just add the survey-md in your package.json. After that all of the necessary tools would be available to you. Most simple way of usage is creating your +page.svelte together with +page.js file. +page.js would be used for parsing the markdown and providing the resulting data to the +page.svelte where it can be used. Sample +page.js should be something like this:

/** @type {import('./$types').PageLoad} */
import md from 'survey-md/md'
export async function load({params}) {
  const text = "## Hi! Please pick a number.\n  (We shuffle them *every time*)\n\n?mynumber shuffle\n- 1337\n- [42](\n- 7±2\n\n@ mynumber\n[Submit](+)";
  const survey = await md(text);
    return {
        post: {
            title: `Title goes here`,
            content: survey,

Comment above the function must be there to provide the data to the +page.svelte, which should use it like this:

    /** @type {import('./$types').PageData} */
    export let data;

added somewhere within your <script> tag. Normally you would use something like this to display the survey to the users:

<div class="viewport typo">
  {#each as page, i}
    {#if i === pageIndex}
        <div class="view-body">
          {#each page.children as node}
            <SurveyNode {node} bind:context {next} />

That should be enough to get you started!

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