Task Manager

A simple task manager built with Svelte 5 + SvelteKit + Skeleton UI. Started as a learning project to explore Svelte.


  • Frontend: Svelte 5 + Sveltekit
  • UI: Skeleton UI + Tailwind CSS
  • Storage: Currently using localStorage (DB integration ready)


  • Create/Edit/Delete tasks
  • Task completion tracking
  • Due date management
  • Responsive UI
  • Error handling & form validation


Project Structure

├── lib/                      # Components and utilities
│   ├── components/
│   │   ├── common/          
│   │   └── tasks/           # Task-specific components
│   └── types/               # TypeScript definitions
├── routes/                  # SvelteKit routes
└── app.html                 # Base template


  1. Clone & install:

    git clone https://github.com/blackzarifa/task-manager-svelte.git
    cd task-manager-svelte
    pnpm install
  2. Run dev server:

    pnpm dev

What's Missing

Honestly I got too tired of coding this project and will move to something else, but this is what I was planning to do:

  • Backend integration
  • Task filtering/sorting
  • User authentication

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