spotify-tools Svelte Themes

Spotify Tools

A website with several tools to use alongside Spotify.

Spotify Tools

A site with tools to use alongside Spotify.

Tool Description
Public Liked Songs Creates a new public playlist that will sync with your liked tracks every 24 hours.
Duplicate Remover Finds any duplicates in your playlists and allows you to removes them.


Want to add or modify the sites functionality? Feel free to create an issue or submit a pull request!

This project was build using SvelteKit and Firebase.


Please ensure any pull request adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Keep descriptions short and simple, but descriptive.
  • Use Gitmoji for commits.
  • Format your code correctly (pnpm lint).

Project Setup


First, you'll need to set up firebase.

  • Install firebase-tools globally.
  • Create a new firebase project for development.
  • Set up a Firebase deploy targets named dev (tutorial).
  • Replace the devConfig with your development project configuration.

A few more steps for the function tests.

Spotify API

You'll also need to add some Spotify credentials.

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