sveltekit-template Svelte Themes

Sveltekit Template

SvelteKit template with TS, Tailwind and other cool stuff

SvelteKit Template

This is a template for static SvelteKit apps configured with Typescript, PostCSS, TailwindCSS, ESLint, Prettier and pnpm.

It should work also with npm or yarn but I've not tested it.

If you don't need SvelteKit you can checkout my Svelte or my TypeScript template repo.

Use this template

You can just use the "Use this template" button or with degit

# You can use npx if you want to
pnpx degit billy4479/sveltekit-template my-sveltekit-app

Once you have the files cd into the cloned directory and run

pnpm install

# To spin-up a dev server
pnpm run dev

# To build for production
pnpm run build


If you use VSCode make sure to add this line to you settings.json

"eslint.lintTask.enable": true

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