HTTP client returning svelte stores
You can install via npm
npm i svelte-http-client
The main method exported is fetch$
, a wrapper for the Fetch API that returns a Promisable
, a custom svelte store that mimics the Promise pattern.
On subscription, it unwraps the Promise so it can be used like this:
import { fetch$ } from 'svelte-http-client';
let value$ = fetch$('')
.then$((res) => {
if(!res.ok) throw new Error();
return res;
.then$((res) => res.json())
.catch$((err) => {
return 'default value';
The library exports also methods for the main HTTP verbs returning Promisable
(ending with $) and Promise, each of them with a version that extract the json body:
, getJson$
, get
and getJson
, postJson$
, post
and postJson
, putJson$
, put
and putJson
, patchJson$
and patchJson
, delJson$
, del
and delJson
These methods are also designed to throw an HttpError
if the fetch Response is not ok.
The previous example, using the verbs methods, can be written as:
import { getJson$ } from 'svelte-http-client';
let value$ = getJson$('')
.catch$((err) => {
return 'default value';
The library exports a class to create an api client with default base URL and fetch
init options, having all the methods described before:
import { SvelteHttpClient } from 'svelte-http-client';
const client = new SvelteHttpClient('', {
headers: { myheader: 'myHeaderValue' }
let value$ = client.getJson$('myendpoint')
.catch$((err) => {
return 'default value';
let anotherValue$ = client.getJson$('myotherendpoint')
.catch$((err) => {
return 'default value';
The object returned by the library methods is a Promisable
interface Promisable<T, U> extends Readable<T | U> {
then$<V>(onfulfilled?: ((value: U) => V | PromiseLike<V>) | undefined | null): Promisable<T, V>;
onrejected?: ((reason: any) => V | PromiseLike<V>) | undefined | null
): Promisable<T, U | V>;
finally$(onfinally?: (() => void) | undefined | null): Promisable<T, U>;
startWith$<V>(initialValue: V): Promisable<V, U>;
T is the initial value of the Readable
, while U is the value returned by the Promise. The fetch$
method returns a Promisable<undefined, Response>
You can set the inital value chaining the startWith$
method of Promisable
(note: contrary to the original then, the then$
method accepts onfulfilled
only to enforce the use of catch$
Here's an example using typescript:
<script lang="ts">
import { SvelteHttpClient } from 'svelte-http-client';
const client = new SvelteHttpClient('');
interface Post {
title: string;
body: string;
function refreshPosts() {
return client
.catch$<Post[]>((err) => {
return [];
let loading = false;
let post: Post = {
title: '',
body: '',
let posts$ = refreshPosts();
function add() {
loading = true;
.post$('posts', post)
.then$(() => {
posts$ = refreshPosts();
.catch$((err) => alert('error: ' + err.message))
.finally$(() => (loading = false));
{#if loading}
<div class="overlay">loading</div>
<label class="block" for="title"> Title</label>
<input class="block" id="title" bind:value={post.title} />
<label class="block" for="body"> Post</label>
<textarea class="block" id="body" bind:value={post.body} />
<button on:click={add}>post</button>
{#each $posts$ as { title, body }}
.overlay {
position: absolute;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
width: 100vw;
height: 100vh;
top: 0;
left: 0;
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);
.block {
margin: 10px;
display: block;