
The Archives

A file storage server built using Svelte and Go

The Archives

A file storage server built using Svelte and mainly Bootstrap components and icons on the frontend, Go, the Gin HTTP web framework, and GORM as ORM on the backend.

Uses PostgreSQL as Database, and Minio for S3-compatible Storage.


File options

Upload dialog


  • Set up configuraiton for frontend and backend in frontend/src/config.js and backend/config/config.go respectively.


  • File Upload
  • Upload Progress
  • File Download
  • Healthcheck endpoint
  • Implement Multi Select in File List
  • User Registration
  • User Login
  • Add Setup Procedures
  • Organize frontend codebase
  • Dockerfile for frontend
  • Docker Compose for backend and frontend
  • Image Preview
  • Deploy to Vercel
  • Add Github Actions pipeline for deployment

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