In many data-driven web applications, there's a need for real-time data analysis and visualization. Traditional client-server architectures often struggle with providing instantaneous updates and handling large datasets efficiently. This project aims to solve this problem by combining the power of Svelte for reactive UI updates, WebSockets for real-time communication, and DuckDB for fast, in-memory SQL analytics.
The Svelte Socket DuckDB project demonstrates a solution that allows users to update the input fields from the frontend (svelte-app), receive the real-time update from the backend (flask) & web socket, all within a web interface. This approach is particularly useful for scenarios where users need to receive updates in real-time, without the latency typically associated with traditional database queries.
Install docker-compose plugin
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docker-compose-plugin
Verify Docker installation
docker compose version
Clone the repository
git clone
Navigate to the folder
cd svelte-socket-duckdb
To run in detached mode (in the background):
docker compose up
To stop the containers:
docker compose down
Here’s a sequence diagram that explains the process:
participant F as Frontend (Svelte)
participant N as Nginx
participant B as Backend (Flask)
participant D as Database (DuckDB)
F->>N: GET /table to fetch table data
N->>B: Forward request
B->>RM: Check cache for table data
alt Data in cache
RM-->>B: Return cached data
else Data not in cache
B->>D: Query table data
D-->>B: Return table data
B->>RM: Cache table data
B-->>N: Send table data
N-->>F: Forward table data
F->>N: User performs changes in table (via WebSocket)
N->>B: Forward changes
B->>D: Update .db file with new cell value
D-->>B: Confirm update
B->>RM: Update cache
RM->>RS: Replicate changes
B->>N: Broadcast update to all clients
N->>F: Forward update
F-->>F: Reflect changes in all clients