
Simple end-to-end type safety for SvelteKit. Lightweight and simpler alternative to TRPC.

Why ?

I needed to use cookies methods inside my procedures, to handle file uploads/downloadss and a typesafe way to receive streamed response from AI models. But I wanted the same DX and type safety as TRPC. So I created svelte-rpc.


  • Same type safety as TRPC
  • Familiar syntax to define procedures
  • Simpler api (no .mutate, .query) just call the procedure itself
  • Works with all standard validators using the standard-schema specification
  • Ability to handle file uploads
  • Use a combination of formData and devalue to handle Map and Set URL Date BigInt File Infinity -Infinity NaN and RegExp
  • Type safe streamed response
  • Very tiny, client and server are both under 2kb gzipped
  • Can set and delete cookies inside the procedures
  • Simple to implement: a hook, a router and a client that infer its type from the router
  • Infinite and simple nesting of procedures
  • Can be called from server side thanks to the caller function placed inside your locals object
  • Middleware support that populate the ctx object received by the handle function


  • Use only POST request from the client.
  • Use FormData to send request from the client (don't worry, you still use plain javascript object, svelte-rpc use ampliform to handle the conversion under the hood). But if the procedure receive a json object from a server call, it will handle it as is whatsoever.
  • No subscriptions


npm install svelte-rpc valibot
yarn add svelte-rpc valibot
pnpm add svelte-rpc valibot
bun install svelte-rpc valibot


Define the router and create the hook

// src/hooks.server.ts
import { type Router, createRPCHandle, procedure } from "svelte-rpc";
import { object, string } from "valibot";
import { string } from "valibot";

const router = {
  test: procedure((event) => {
    // This is a middleware it will be called before the handle function
    // Middlewares can be async or sync and are called in parallel,
    // You can add as many middlewares as you want as arguments of the procedure function
    if (!event.locals.user) {
      error(401, "You must be logged in to use this procedure");
    // The return of the middleware will be available in the ctx object of the handle function
    return { user: event.locals.user };
        name: string()
    .handle(async ({ event, input, ctx }) => {
      // event is the request event of SvelteKit
      // ctx.user contains the user object
      // input is of type { name: string }
      return {

export type AppRouter = typeof router;

export const handle = createRPCHandle({
  // The endoint where all of the procedures will be available
  // Pass false to make it server only
  endpoint: "/api",
  // The key to put the server side api caller inside the event.locals object
  // Pass false to disable the server side caller
  localsApiKey: "api"

Create the api client

// src/lib/api.ts
import { createRPCClient } from "svelte-rpc/client";
import type { AppRouter } from "../hooks.server";

export const api = createRPCClient<AppRouter>({
  // The endpoint to make the request to, must be the same as defined in the createRPCHandle function
  endpoint: "/api",
  // The headers to send with the request
  // You can also pass a function that will be called before the fetch request, the can be async and receive the input and the path of the procedure
  headers: {},
  // If true, the api will throw an error when the request fails
  throwOnError: false,
  // Called when the request fails
  onError: (error) => {

Call the api

<script lang="ts">
  // src/routes/+page.svelte
  import { api } from '$lib/api';
  import { onMount } from 'svelte';

  onMount(async () => {
    // here result is of type { hello: string } | null because of potention error
    const [result, error] = await api.test({ name: 'world' });
    if (error) {
    } else {
      // here result is of type { hello: string }

Streamed response

Svelte-rpc can handle streamed response from the server. This is useful when you want to stream the response of an AI model for example. The only difference is that you need to pass a callback to the api function that will be called each time a chunk of the response is received.

On the server, when defining your procedure you can either return a ReadableStream or use the stream helper.

The stream helper is useful when you want to handle the stream response lifecycle by adding callbacks to the onChunk, onEnd and onStart events.

// src/routers/ai.ts
import { procedure } from "svelte-rpc";
import { createRPCClient } from "svelte-rpc/client";
import { string } from "valibot";
import OpenAI from "openai";
import { PRIVATE_OPEN_API_KEY } from "$env/static/private";
const openai = new OpenAI({

export const aiRouter = {
  chat: procedure()
    .handle(async ({ input }) => {
      const result = await streamObject({
        model: openai("gpt-4o-mini"),
        mode: "json",
        schema: z.array(
            name: z.string().describe("Name of a fictional person."),
            message: z.string().describe("Message. Do not use emojis or links.")
        output: "object",
        prompt: input
      // You can directly return the stream
      return result.partialObjectStream;
  chatWithStreamHelper: procedure()
    .handle(async ({ input, event }) => {
      const completion = await{
        model: "gpt-3.5-turbo",
        messages: [
            role: "system",
            content: "You are a helpful assistant."
          { role: "user", content: input }
        stream: true
      // Or you can use the stream helper in order to handle the stream response lifecycle
      return, {
        onStart: () => {
          console.log("AI stream started");
        onChunk: ({ chunk, first }) => {
          console.log("AI chunk received", chunk, first);
        onEnd: (chunks) => {
          console.log("AI stream ended", chunks);
<script lang="ts">
  // src/routes/+page.svelte
  import { api } from '$lib/api';
  import { onMount } from 'svelte';

  const callAi = async () => {
    await'Generate 3 notifications for a messages app, make it funny.', ({ chunk, first }) => {
      // Chunk is type safe
      // chunk is { name: string; message: string }


Type inference

Svelte-rpc exports two inference helpers to help you infer the type of the input and output of a procedure. I usually prefer to let them globally available in my project using the app.d.ts file.

It is a bit cumbersome, just copy paste it and change the path of the file where the AppRouter is defined if needed.

// app.d.ts
declare global {
  namespace App {
    interface Locals {
      // This is the server side caller
      api: import("svelte-rpc").API<import("./hooks.server").AppRouter>;
      //... other stuff of yours
    //... Name it like you want
    type InferRPCReturnType<P extends import("svelte-rpc").RouterPaths<import("./hooks.server.js").AppRouter>> =
      import("svelte-rpc").ReturnTypeOfProcedure<import("./hooks.server.js").AppRouter, P>;

    //... Name it like you want
    type InferRPCInput<P extends import("svelte-rpc").RouterPaths<import("./hooks.server.js").AppRouter>> =
      import("svelte-rpc").InputOfProcedure<import("./hooks.server.js").AppRouter, P>;
  //... other stuff of yours
export {};
<script lang="ts">
  export let result: App.InferRPCReturnType<'test'>;
  // let { result }: { result: App.InferRPCReturnType<'test'> } = $props(); // If you are using svelte 5
  // result is of type { hello: string }

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