svelte-film-countdown Svelte Themes

Svelte Film Countdown

A vintage-style film countdown component for Svelte 5.


A vintage-style film countdown component for your Svelte 5 applications, built with runes.


  • Authentic Vintage Aesthetic: Provides a visually compelling retro film countdown experience reminiscent of classic cinema.
  • Highly Customizable: Tailor the countdown's behavior and appearance with props and CSS variables. Control duration, initial count, styling of circles, numbers, and visual effects.
  • Programmatic Control: Imperatively manage the countdown's state using exported functions: start, pause, resume, and reset.
  • Event Callbacks: Execute custom logic when the countdown completes (onComplete) or after each decrement (onEachCount).
  • Looping Functionality: Enable continuous countdown loops with the loop prop.
  • CSS Variable Theming: Achieve consistent branding and easily adjust the visual theme using CSS variables.


Install svelte-film-countdown using your preferred package manager:

npm install svelte-film-countdown
yarn add svelte-film-countdown
pnpm add svelte-film-countdown
bun add svelte-film-countdown


Import the FilmCountdown component into your Svelte component:

  import FilmCountdown from 'svelte-film-countdown';

  let countdownInstance;

  function handleComplete() {
    alert('Countdown finished!');

  function handleEachCount(currentCount) {
    console.log('Current count:', currentCount);

  function startCountdown() {

  function pauseCountdown() {

  function resumeCountdown() {

  function resetCountdown() {


<br />
<button on:click={startCountdown}>Start</button>
<button on:click={pauseCountdown}>Pause</button>
<button on:click={resumeCountdown}>Resume</button>
<button on:click={resetCountdown}>Reset</button>

Basic Example

Render the countdown with default settings:

  import FilmCountdown from 'svelte-film-countdown';

<FilmCountdown />

Custom Initial Count and Duration

Configure the starting number and the duration of each count:

  import FilmCountdown from 'svelte-film-countdown';

<FilmCountdown initialCount={10} countdownDuration={500} />

Utilizing Event Callbacks

Execute functions when the countdown finishes or after each count:

  import FilmCountdown from 'svelte-film-countdown';

  function handleComplete() {
    console.log('Countdown finished!');

  function handleEachCount(currentCount) {
    console.log('Current count:', currentCount);

<FilmCountdown onComplete={handleComplete} onEachCount={handleEachCount} />

Configuration Options via config Prop

Customize the visual appearance of the countdown through the config prop:

  import FilmCountdown from 'svelte-film-countdown';

    numberColor: "red",
    numCircles: 4

Enabling Looping

Make the countdown restart automatically after reaching zero. Note that you need to manually trigger start() to begin the countdown:

  import FilmCountdown from 'svelte-film-countdown';
  let countdownInstance;

  function startLoopingCountdown() {

<FilmCountdown bind:this={countdownInstance} loop={true} />
<button on:click={startLoopingCountdown}>Start Looping Countdown</button>


Prop Name Type Default Value Description
initialCount number 5 The number from which the countdown begins.
countdownDuration number 1000 The time in milliseconds for each count decrement.
onComplete () => void () => {} A callback function that is executed when the countdown reaches 0.
onEachCount (count: number) => void () => {} A callback function executed after each count, receiving the current count as an argument.
config object {} An object containing properties to customize the visual aspects of the countdown. See the config details below.
loop boolean false If true, the countdown will automatically reset to initialCount and stop at 0, ready to be started again.

config Object Properties

Property Name Type Default Value Description
numberColor string 'var(--countdown-number-color)' The color of the number displayed in the center of the countdown.
numCircles number 2 The number of concentric circles animating around the central number.
circleRadius number 64 The radius of the outermost circle in pixels.
circleSpacing number 8 The space in pixels between each concentric circle.
strokeRatio number 1 / 40 The ratio of the circle's radius that determines the thickness of the circle's stroke.
canvasSize number 256 The width and height of the SVG canvas (viewBox dimensions). The component will maintain a 16:9 aspect ratio.
circleGradientStart string 'var(--circle-gradient-start)' The starting color of the gradient applied to the circles.
circleGradientMiddle string 'var(--circle-gradient-middle)' The middle color of the gradient applied to the circles.
circleGradientMiddleOpacity number 0.8 The opacity of the middle color in the circle gradient.
circleGradientEnd string 'var(--circle-gradient-end)' The ending color of the gradient applied to the circles.

Exported Functions

To control the countdown programmatically, you need to bind a reference to the FilmCountdown component using bind:this.

  • start(): Initiates the countdown sequence.
  • pause(): Temporarily halts the countdown.
  • resume(): Continues the countdown from the paused state.
  • reset(): Stops the countdown and resets it to the initialCount.

Theming with CSS Variables

Customize the visual theme of the FilmCountdown component by overriding these CSS variables in your global stylesheet or within a specific component's <style> block.

:root {
  --countdown-number-color: black;
  --countdown-button-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
  --countdown-button-text-color: white;

  --film-hole-width: 20px;
  --film-hole-rect-width: 8px;
  --film-hole-rect-height: 12px;
  --film-hole-y-top: 10px;
  --film-hole-y-bottom: 22px;
  --film-hole-color: black;

  --sweeping-background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);

  --circle-gradient-start: black;
  --circle-gradient-middle: black;
  --circle-gradient-middle-opacity: 0.8;
  --circle-gradient-end: black;

  --grid-line-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3);
  --film-grain-opacity: 0.1;
  --flicker-duration: 0.15s;
  --vignette-strength: 0.4;
  --center-vignette-strength: 0.15;
  --scratch-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2);
  --scratch-opacity: 0.15;
  --number-font: monospace;
  --number-text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
  --film-grain-pattern: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(156, 163, 175, 0.05), transparent, rgba(156, 163, 175, 0.05));

Example of Applying a Theme:

  :root {
    --countdown-number-color: lightyellow;
    --sweeping-background-color: rgba(100, 0, 0, 0.25);
    --film-grain-opacity: 0.2;

<FilmCountdown />


Contributions are highly appreciated! If you find a bug, have an idea for an improvement, or want to add a new feature, please don't hesitate to open an issue or submit a pull request.


MIT License

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