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This repository contains the source code of Xane, a rollup on top of Mina Protocol with its own AMM.
This project is licensed under GPL.
I use Node.js, TypeScript and o1js to develop a rollup and a rollup client. I also use Svelte and SvelteKit to develop a frontend for Xane. I use pnpm for monorepo management and Starlight for docs.
You can find detailed information about Node.js, TypeScript, o1js, Svelte, SvelteKit, pnpm and Starlight below.
Node.js is an open-source and cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment.
TypeScript is a strongly typed programming language that builds on JavaScript, giving you better tooling at any scale.
o1js is a TypeScript library for writing general-purpose zk programs and zk smart contracts for Mina.
Svelte is a new way to build web applications.
It's a compiler that takes your declarative components and converts them into efficient JavaScript that surgically updates the DOM.
SvelteKit is a framework for rapidly developing robust, performant web applications using Svelte
If you're coming from React, SvelteKit is similar to Next. If you're coming from Vue, SvelteKit is similar to Nuxt.
pnpm is a fast, disk space efficient package manager that is an alternative to npm.
Starlight is a full-featured documentation website generator.
$ pnpm install
$ pnpm build:client
$ pnpm build:docs
$ pnpm build:frontend
$ pnpm build:packages
$ pnpm dev:docs
$ pnpm dev:frontend
$ pnpm clean
$ pnpm format
$ pnpm lint
$ pnpm test
Built with love, sweat and tears by Berzan.