To test and run this locally you'll first need to:
cd app
and npm install
cd app-test
and npm install
to env/local-dev/.env
(these environment variables are injected into containers and used in the apps when running locally)local-dev
environment (See Auth0 Authentication section below)local-test
environment if you wishApp will be public, but NOT protected with an SSL cert (which will break auth requests in chromium browsers)
to env/local-stage/
(these are used when spinning up cloud infrastructure with terraform)terraform destroy
to tear down)
cd ./services
docker build -t benjohns1/scheduled-tasks-services .
docker push benjohns1/scheduled-tasks-servicescd ../app docker build -t benjohns1/scheduled-tasks-webapp . docker push benjohns1/scheduled-tasks-webapp
cd ../env/aws-stage terraform taint module.ecs.aws_ecs_task_definition.tasks terraform apply
### Auth0 Tenant Setup
Sign-up and create an [Auth0]( tenant for each environment you want with the following:
1. An API (e.g. 'Dev API') with the HS256 signing alg and a single permission of 'type:anon', then set the AUTH0_API_* env vars appropriately
2. A machine to machine application (e.g. 'Dev Anon User') with 'type:anon' scoped access to your API, then set the AUTH0_ANON_CLIENT_* env vars
3. A machine to machine application (e.g. 'Dev E2E Test User') with no scoped access to your API, then set the AUTH0_E2E_DEV_CLIENT_* env vars
4. A single page application (e.g. 'Dev Web App') with Allowed Callback URLs, Allowed Web Origins, Allowed Logout URLs, and Allowed Origins (CORS) set to http://localhost:3000, then set the AUTH0_DOMAIN and AUTH0_WEBAPP_CLIENT_ID env vars
## Quick Run Scripts
Setup local environments in one command (Windows only, for now)
* Development (hot reloading for the Sapper app and Cypress interactive test runner):
* `cd env/local-dev` and `run`
* Test build (builds and creates container images for the web app and API):
* `cd env/local-test` and `run`
## Default URLs
* local-dev
* Web app: http://localhost:3000
* DB adminer: http://localhost:3001
* API server: http://localhost:3002
* local-test
* Web app: http://localhost:3100
* DB adminer: http://localhost:3101
* API server: http://localhost:3102
## Test Build Environment
1. `cd ./env/local-test`
2. Point to the test version of the env vars:
* on nix: `export ENV_FILEPATH=$PWD/.env`
* -or- on windows: `set ENV_FILEPATH=%CD%\.env`
3. Build the app and container images: `docker-compose build`
4. Start the containers: `docker-compose up`
5. Tear it down: `docker-compose down`
## Development Environment
Run the app and services locally with a transient DB container
1. `cd ./env/local-dev`
2. Point to the dev version of the env vars:
* on nix: `export ENV_FILEPATH=$PWD/.env`
* -or- on windows: `set ENV_FILEPATH=%CD%\.env`
3. Start DBs: `docker-compose up`
4. Modify `./services` code, rebuild as-needed
5. Rebuild and run the services in `./services/cmd/srv`:
* on nix: `go build && ./srv`
* -or- on windows: `go build && srv`
6. Start the web app with hot reloading in `./app` with: `npm run dev`
7. Open cypress for live testing in `./app-test` with: `npm run cy:open`
8. Modify `./app` code
9. Tear down the DBs in `./env/local-dev` with: `docker-compose down`
## Local Development Testing
### Run services unit tests
1. Run tests in `./services` with: `go test ./...`
### Run services integration tests
Connects to DB containers for integration testing
1. Start DBs in `./env/local-dev` with: `docker-compose up`
1. Point to the test version of the env vars:
* on nix: `export ENV_FILEPATH=$PWD/.env`
* -or- on windows: `set ENV_FILEPATH=%CD%\.env`
1. Run tests in `./services` with: `go test ./... -tags='integration'`
1. Tear down the DBs in `./env/local-dev` with: `docker-compose down`
### Run client web app cypress tests
1. Start DBs in `./env/local-dev` with: `docker-compose up`
1. Build and run the API server & scheduler processes (in a new terminal) in `./services/cmd/srv` with: `go build && ./srv`
1. Run the tests in `./app-test` with: `npm test`
1. Tear down the DBs in `./env/local-dev` with: `docker-compose down`