
Sveltekit Mongodb

A simple web app that built with Svelte, MongoDB and TypeScript with features such as contact with nodemailer, realtime pagination and search.

Simple Sveltekit App with MongoDB and TypeScript

Live Demo (The site may open slowly because I deployed the project to a free vercel account)

Table of Contents


The main purpose of this project is to learn how to use MongoDB with Sveltekit so it is very simple and detailed with comments. I used MongoDB Atlas for the database and Nodemailer for the contact form.



  • Realtime Pagination and Search
  • Contact with Nodemailer

Installation & Setup

  1. Clone the repository
    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory and install the dependencies
    cd sveltekit-mongodb
    npm install
  3. Create a .env file like this in the root directory and add the following variables
    MAIL_HOST = <your_host>
    MAIL_PORT = <your_port>
    MAIL_USERNAME = <your_username>
    MAIL_PASSWORD = <your_password>
    MONGO_URL = <your_mongodb_url>
  4. Run the project
    npm run dev

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