geist-ui-svelte Svelte Themes

Geist Ui Svelte

Geist UI but for svelte :)

Geist UI

Geist UI for Svelte

Consuming components

Your package.json has a "svelte" field pointing to components/index.js, which allows Svelte apps to import the source code directly, if they are using a bundler plugin like rollup-plugin-svelte or svelte-loader (where resolve.mainFields in your webpack config includes "svelte"). This is recommended.

This is not available for now For everyone else, npm run build will bundle your component's source code into a plain JavaScript module (dist/index.mjs) and a UMD script (dist/index.js). This will happen automatically when you publish your component to npm, courtesy of the prepublishOnly hook in package.json.


This is a monorepo with both docs and components inside here. run npm dev and start editing files in components

component's source code lives in components/.

You can create a package that exports multiple components by adding them to the components directory and editing components/index.js to reexport them as named exports.

important things need to be done
  • Select on:change is not usable Now bind is usable, which uses on:change in the background
  • Select prefix Done with context, which is a bit messy
  • Button Drip
  • Button And Input, Prefix - Suffix
  • Collapse
  • Better Docs
  • Icons look thin and sharper, on geist-ui it looks a bit bolder Fix: fixed, but how? the transpiling process was taking icon properties like borderWidth (JSX style) etc, but not changing to border-width. so html couldn't understand these.
  • Ask why :after used instead of border-bottom in tabs.

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