My personal website, and root domain of most of my stuffs.

Setup and installation

This is a super simple site. Nothing fancy is going on.

How to install

npm i

Run dev server

npm run dev

See package.json for other scripts related to this. If you want to be fancy, you can call npm run dev -- --open, other just press 'o' on your keyboard (that's a SvelteKit thing).

Run builds

npm run build

Running and managing deployments

On December 12th, 2023, I switched from Azure Static Web Apps (SWA) to Vercel. This is due to SWA not supporting response streams, which is needed to avoid a buffer that causes the site to not render until the website status badges' Promise are resolved. That's like a six second load time. Gross. However, Vercel supports response streams while also being free. is hosted on Vercel. Vercel includes a CD service. Unlike SWA, Vercel does not require a yaml file for the CD (though you totally could).

To deploy changes to the site, simply merge or push code onto main. Feature branches will get a preview/staging site on pull requests thanks to Vercel.

Resources for other apps or services on *, such as app services, containers, etc., are handled on Microsoft Azure.

Managing the registrar and DNS

Registrar is Google Domains. Namservers should point to Cloudflare, the DNS provider. CDN is also provided by Cloudeflare.

In June 2023, Squarespace bought Google Domains (lame). Eventually, I need to migrate registrar services to Cloudflare.

To make changes, login to those services.

Secrets and variables

As of December, 2023 with the vendor transfer to Vercel, this GitHub repo no longer requires any secrets.

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