
Storefront Sveltekit Starter

An e-commerce storefront starter built with SvelteKit and Vendure

Vendure SvelteKit Storefront Starter

An e-commerce storefront for Vendure built with SvelteKit, Houdini, and TailwindCSS. Heavily inspired by the official Vendure Remix Storefront Starter and Vendure Sveltekit Storefront.

Why another SvelteKit storefront?

Currently, this repo is for educational purposes only. The goal was to learn Houdini and Vendure, so I decided to combine the two. It could also be useful to check out the other repos listed above for inspiration on different ways to tackle the same problem set within similar technology stacks.

To do

  • Cart ✅
  • Checkout flow
  • Search facet filters ✅
  • Login
  • Account creation
  • Customer account management

Contributions welcome!


  1. Clone this repo
  2. npm install
  3. Create a .env file in the root dir with the following contents:
  4. npm run dev - run the storefront with a local SvelteKit server



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