music-stream-svelte Svelte Themes

Music Stream Svelte

A self-hosted music streaming service built with SvelteKit that allows you to stream the music stored on your computer/home server to any device with a browser. 🎶

Music Stream Svelte

Table of Contents

What is this?

A self-hosted music streaming service built with SvelteKit that allows you to stream the music stored on your computer/home server to any device with a browser. 🎶

Tech Stack


  • Responsive design
  • User authentication
  • Streaming music
  • Playlists
  • Search
  • Album covers through MusicBrainz API


  • Only Linux is supported unless you use the docker image
  • Proper metadata for your music files (artist, album, title)
  • Album covers are fetched from MusicBrainz API, so it's recommended to have the correct album and artist names
  • Music files must be stored in a directory that is accessible and modifiable by the server
  • Music files must be of the following formats: mp3, flac, wav
  • No folder that contains music files should start with a . or -


After installation

  • The server will be running on port 3000
  • If it is a new installation, you will be redirected to the setup page
  • Create an owner account and make sure to give a real email address (it is used for MusicBrainz API request headers)


  • Install Docker
  • With docker run

make sure to replace /path/to/music with the path to your music directory

if you want to persist db in a known location or a named volume replace /path/to/db/data with the path to the folder or the name of the volume otherwise you can remove the volume flag

docker run -d \
  -p 3000:3000 \
  -v /path/to/music:/music \
  <-v /path/to/db/data:/app/db> \
  • if you want the server to be accessible from localhost add -e ORIGIN=http://localhost:3000


  • Install Node.js
  • Clone the repository
  • Install dependencies and generate prisma client:
pnpm install && pnpx prisma generate
  • Build the project:
pnpm build
  • If you want to remove unused dependencies run:
pnpm prune --production --ignore-scripts
  • Make executable:
chmod +x
  • If you only want to expose an explicit folder use MUSIC_PATH=/path/to/music
  • If you want the server to be accessible from localhost add ORIGIN=http://localhost:3000
  • Start the server with


  • Install Node.js
  • Install pnpm
  • Clone the repository
  • Install dependencies and generate prisma client:
pnpm install && pnpx prisma generate
  • Start the server with

add --host if you want to access the server from another device

pnpm dev
  • If you are using a node manager (like nvm) and want to commit using a gui you might need this to make husky work

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