Sveltekit-Supabase Auth Template
A web authentication template built with SvelteKit and Supabase, providing a seamless experience for user authentication, registration, and account management.
Live demo:
- User Authentication: Enable users to log in securely with email and password.
- User Registration: Allow new users to register with a unique email and password combination.
- Account Settings: Empower users to manage their accounts with features such as changing passwords, uploading avatars, and deleting accounts.
- Multi-level Modal System: Implement a versatile modal system that supports multiple levels of modals for a flexible user interface.
- Form Component with Zod Validation: Utilize the Zod library for form validation, ensuring data integrity and a smooth user experience.

Getting Started
Follow these steps to get started with the Sveltekit-Supabase Auth Template:
- Clone the Repository:
git clone
cd sveltekit-supabase-auth-template