svelte-native-drag-drop Svelte Themes

Svelte Native Drag Drop

Lightweight utility for Drag + Drop API w/ Svelte JS

Svelte Native Drag + Drop

Simple lightweight utility for handling drag and drop events with W3C API Drag + Drop → DEMO


npm install --save svelte-native-drag-drop
yarn add svelte-native-drag-drop

The store binds to DOM elements, so its important to call .clear() with onDestroy:

    import { onMount, onDestroy } from 'svelte';
    import dragdrop from './index.js'

    onDestroy( async () => {


There are two core functions: binding to drag areas, binding to drop areas:

    import { onMount, onDestroy } from 'svelte';
    import dragdrop from './index.js'

    onMount( async () => {
        dragdrop.addDragArea( 'shared-group', handleEl, dragEl )
        dragdrop.addDropArea( 'shared-group', dropEl )

    onDestroy( async () => {

    let dropEl, dragEl, handleEl


<div bind:this={dropEl}>
    drop area

<div bind:this={dragEl}>
    <div bind:this={handleEl}>drag handle</div>
    <span>drag element</span>

The store holds two references to the currently active DOM elements, source and destination:

{#if $dragdrop['shared-group'].source == dragEl} dragged! {/if}
{#if $dragdrop['shared-group'].destination == dropEl} dropping! {/if}

Callbacks can be passed to the addDropArea function:

    import { onMount, onDestroy } from 'svelte';
    import dragdrop from './index.js'

    onMount( async () => {

        const callbacks = {
            dragover: ( e ) => console.log('currently dragging over:',,
            dragleave: ( e ) => console.log('dragging left:',,
            drop: ( e ) => console.log('successfully dropped, source:', e.source, 'destination:', e.destination)

        dragdrop.addDragArea( 'shared-group', handleEl, dragEl )
        dragdrop.addDropArea( 'shared-group', dropEl, callbacks )
    onDestroy( async () => {

    let dropEl, dragEl, handleEl


<div bind:this={dropEl}>
    drop area

<div bind:this={dragEl}>
    <div bind:this={handleEl}>drag handle</div>
    <span>drag element</span>

    {#if $dragdrop['shared-group'].source == dragEl} dragged! {/if}
    {#if $dragdrop['shared-group'].destination == dropEl} dropping! {/if}

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