A Svelte inspired technique for rendering a promise based on it's state.
Svelte's await blocks are one of Svelte's really enjoyable features. I've attempted to recreate this using react hooks.
import React, { useEffect } from 'react'
import useAwaitBlock from 'use-await-block'
function Posts() {
// The first value - awaitBlock - is used to render based on the promises state.
// It takes an object with three functions `{ pending, fulfilled, rejected }`.
// Any one of these can be ommited. if there is no function for the promises state it'll just render null.
// it will render pending the first run even if the promise is already fulfilled.
// it will render null if the promise is null or undefined.
// The second value - setPromise - is used to change what promise is being rendered.
// it takes a promise or null.
const [postsAwaitBlock, setPostsPromise] = useAwaitBlock(null)
function reload() {
useEffect(reload, [])
return (
pending: () => <p>Loading...</p>,
// fullfiled is called with the fullfiled value from the promise.
fulfilled: posts => (
<button onClick={reload}> Refresh </button>
{posts.map(post => (
<li key={post.id}> <a href={`/posts/${post.id}`}> {post.title} </a> </li>
// rejected is called with the error value from the promise.
rejected: error => <p> Something went wrong ({error.toString()}) <button onClick={reload}> Retry </button> </p>,
A working demo can be found in the demo folder with the relevant code being at /demo/src/Posts.js.