soundlab Svelte Themes


The Sound Lab is a studio for students to experiment with sound production equipment and techniques. This repo supercedes several previous repos for soundlab-wordpress (and soundlab-wordexpress) for headless CMS, soundlab-client for the React frontend, soundlab-api for the GraphQL API, and mixtape-maker for the clientside mixtape creation tool.



The Sound Lab is a studio for students to experiment with sound production equipment and techniques. This repo supercedes several previous repos for soundlab-wordpress (and soundlab-wordexpress) for headless CMS, soundlab-client for the React frontend, soundlab-api for the GraphQL API, and mixtape-maker for the clientside mixtape creation tool.

Visit the site at


  • Get client to run with hot reload for local dev
  • Move everything into one repo - maybe using git submodules? submodules are not a great option as I'd need many deploy keys
  • Include the Mixtape Maker app
  • Consolidate docker-compose into one file
  • Include a MySQL database setup in docker compose
  • Include a scrubbed DB dump and startup script so all you need to do is composer install and docker compose up
  • Upgrade Node as far as possible for both client and API
  • Add AWS CDK for deploy
  • Ansible provisioning script
  • Use Cloudfront for frontend and Mixtape Maker? Maybe a future enhancement


This repo contains:

Getting Started

  • Clone the repo
  • Copy media assets to bedrock/web/app/uploads
  • Export existing database from VM / RDS using mysqldump, or use a scrubbed backup from database-backups
  • Set up the database
    • You can use either local MySQL or the docker compose MySQL
    • Gotchas:
  • Local networking setup (brew httpd)
    • Edit /opt/homebrew/etc/httpd/httpd.conf and uncomment Include etc/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf if not already using virtual hosts
    • Link the Bedrock directory to your sites folder: ln -s /Users/username/path/to/soundlab/bedrock ~/Sites/soundlab
    • Add a virtual host to httpd-vhosts.conf:
    • Edit /private/etc/hosts and include slab.local
  • Edit bedrock/.env to include the new local domain name and database credentials
    • Gotchas:
  • Install composer dependencies within bedrock: composer install
  • Restart httpd (brew services restart httpd)
  • Head to http://slab.local and update the database if needed
  • docker compose up to start the API, frontend, mixtape-maker, and MySQL containers
    • Gotcha: the link on the homepage to mixtape-maker is hardcoded

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