svelte_express_bs_todo Svelte Themes


Todo app using Expressjs, Svelte and Bootstrap

Svelte Setup Guide 🚀

This guide walks you through setting up Svelte, installing dependencies, and deploying your project efficiently.

📌 Prerequisites

Before starting, ensure you have Node.js installed. We recommend using NVM (Node Version Manager) for flexibility.

1️⃣ Install NVM (Node Version Manager)

Run the following command in your terminal to install NVM:

curl -o- | bash

After installation, restart your terminal or run:

source ~/.bashrc  # For Linux users
source ~/.zshrc   # For macOS users (if using Zsh)

2️⃣ Install Node.js Using NVM

To install Node.js (e.g., version 18), run:

nvm install 18

To use the installed version:

nvm use 18

To set Node.js 18 as the default version for all new terminals:

nvm alias default 18

📌 Installing Svelte CLI & Creating a New Project

1️⃣ Install Svelte CLI

npx sv

2️⃣ Create a New Svelte Project

Run the following commands:

npx sv create myapp
cd myapp
npm install
npm run dev

Your development server will start at http://localhost:5173/.

📌 Deploying Your Svelte App

Once your project is ready, deploy it using Vercel, Surge, or Netlify.

✅ Deploying with Vercel

Install Vercel CLI:

npm install -g vercel

Deploy your project:

cd public
vercel deploy --name my-project

✅ Deploying with Surge

Install Surge CLI:

npm install -g surge

Build and deploy:

npm run build
surge public

✅ Deploying with Netlify

Install Netlify CLI:

npm install -g netlify-cli

Deploy your project:

netlify deploy

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