The Stack

  • ⚙ī¸ SvelteKit: Full stack JS framework that handles our server and client side code
  • đŸ’Ļ Drizzle: Lightweight high power ORM for interfacing with our DB
  • 🌩ī¸ Cloudinary: Image hosting and manipulation
  • đŸ’ŗ Stripe: Payment processing
  • đŸ’Ŋ PlanetScale: Cloud hosted MySQL database (with data branching)
  • 🚀 Vercel: Serverless hosting
  • 🎨 ShadCN for Svelte: Beautifully designed components
  • 🖌ī¸ TailwindCSS: Inline styles
  • 🔒 Lucia V3: Authentication library and OAuth helpers
  • đŸ“Ļ Pnpm: Package manager

Getting Started

In order to run this project you will need to setup Cloudinary, Stripe, GitHub OAuth, and PlanetScale.


  1. Create a Cloudinary account:
  2. Create a new Cloudinary project, and add the cloud name to your .env: VITE_PUBLIC_CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME="your env here"
  3. Create a new upload preset, and add the preset name to your .env: PUBLIC_CLOUDINARY_UPLOAD_PRESET="your env here"
  4. Add your images into your cloudinary account, then insert them into the seed.ts file where it is marked "TODO CLOUDINARY:"


  1. Create a PlanetScale account:
  2. Create a new database, then add your DB credentials to the .env file (you can find the credentials under the "Connect" tab in PlanetScale): DATABASE_HOST="your env here" DATABASE_USERNAME="your env here" DATABASE_PASSWORD="your env here"
  3. Get a database connection string (from the same place) and add it to your .env (it will be under "NodeJS"): DATABASE_CONNECTION_STRING="mysql://your env here"
  4. Apply the schema to your database with pnpm run db:push
  5. Wait to seed the database until your setup stripe


  1. Create a Stripe account:
  2. Get your (TEST) public and secret keys, and add them to the .env: PUBLIC_STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY="pk_test_..." STRIPE_SECRET_KEY="sk_test_..."
  3. Create your products in stripe, then add them to the seed.ts file where it is marked "TODO STRIPE:" (it is also a good idea to change the products, prices, and images in the seed.ts file to match your own products)
  4. Install the stripe CLI and get webhook signing secret:, then add it your your .env: STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET="whsec_..."

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