
A web app that helps users to compose haikus.

Deployed Link: https://h17ku.onrender.com

Project Goals:

  • Help users write their own haikus

  • Provide a platform for users to read haikus

  • Allow users to post their own haikus

Developer Goals:

  • Build a CRUD application with Python, Flask & MongoDB

  • Implement basic user authentication

  • Demonstrate unit testing with pytest


User Stories

  • As a user, I want to be able to learn how haikus are structured so that I can write my own haikus

  • As a user, I want to be able to view other user's haikus so that I can see what other user's have written

  • As a user, I want to be able to post my haiku so that I can share it with other users on the website

  • As a user, I want to be able to easily copy my post so that I can share my haikus on any platform outside of the website

  • As a user, I want to be able to save my haikus so that I can read them at any later date

  • As a user, I want to be able to save other user's haikus so that I can read them at a later date

  • As a user, I want to be able to edit my haiku after I've posted it so that I can fix any typos or make any amendments if I need to


Font Family: System font stack

Wireframes: View wireframes here.



  • Responsive design

  • CRUD functionality

  • User authentication

  • Haiku validator

  • Comments

  • Like system

  • Dark mode


  • Report system

  • Save posts

  • Share to social media

  • User search

  • Post pagination

Information Architecture


Auth routes:

Method Route Action
POST /auth/register Handle user registration
POST /auth/login Handle user login
GET /auth/session Check if a user is logged in
GET /auth/logout Handle user log out

Post routes:

Method Route Action
GET /post Get single post
GET /posts Get all posts
POST /post Create post
PUT /post Update post
PATCH /post Like a post
DELETE /post Delete post

Comment routes:

Method Route Action
GET /comments Get all comments of a single post
POST /comment Create a comment
PUT /comment Update a comment
PATCH /comment Like a comment
DELETE /comment Delete a comment

Other routes:

Method Route Action
GET /user Get all user posts
GET /haiku Get a random haiku


The database for this project is MongoDB. There are three collections for this project: users, posts and comments. Here are the database models for each collection:


    _id: ObjectId
    email: String
    username: String
    pwd_hash: String


    _id: ObjectId
    username: String
    haiku: String
    posted_at: Date
    likes: Array
    comments: Array
    edited: Boolean

Posts have a one to many relationship to Users with the username field as the reference.


    _id: ObjectId
    post: ObjectId
    username: String
    comment: String
    posted_at: Date
    likes: Array
    edited: Boolean

Comments have a one to many relationship to Posts with the post objectId as the reference.

Posts and comments have a very similar model but Posts has a comments array that keeps track of the amount of comments that a single Post has.

Technologies Used

Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python






Testing is documented in a separate file here.


Deployment is documented in a separate file here.

Credits / Acknowledgements:

  • Stack Overflow

  • All the doc sites: svelte.dev, routify.dev, docs.mongodb.com, flask etc.

  • The Code Institute Slack community for all the great resources, tips and support

  • My mentor Precious Ijege for his support and feedback with the project

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