kas-sosial Svelte Themes

Kas Sosial

Bring the ergonomics of svelte and rust into the awful world of java, gradle, gradlew with its version matrix

Kas Sosial

Bring the ergonomics of svelte and rust into the awful world of java, gradle, gradlew with its version matrix

Development Prerequisites

guide from tauri

Building for release

npm run tauri build # linux
npm run tauri android build # android


Android Development

  • development computer must connect to the same network with the android
  • connect android with cable, then run adb start-server from android platform-tools

Horrible Gradle Version Matrix War

basically java gradle does not forward or backward compatible


when gradle not found, android tools will attempt to downloads from server, but the target server is horrible, its very slow, download progress will get timed out by itself before packet even reach 60%

when that happens, cancel immediately, then look for HASH in ~/.gradle/wrapper/dist/gradle-<VERSION>-bin/<HASH>, note the version, then download the matching version from gradle proper website.

resolving, following version is a working example, match gradle version with previous step and java version matrix:

  • download gradle-8.9-bin from gradle website
  • put downloaded file in ~/.gradle/wrapper/dist/gradle-8.9-bin/<HASH>
  • download jdk version 21
  • setup android stuff with cmdline tools

Android Signing

when it build for release, installation may yield error with the worlds most unhelpful message ever

App not installed as package appears to be invalid

basically application requires signing

here is guide from tauri

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