fractal-svelte-adapter Svelte Themes

Fractal Svelte Adapter

An adapter for fractal styleguide (1.x) to use svelte templates


Allows the use of svelte components as templates in a fractal 1.x styleguide.


In your fractal.js configuration:

fractal.components.set("ext", ".svelte");

Fractal concepts

The connection between how Fractal conceives of templates and how Svelte thinks of the world in components has some small friction for which this library provides some workarounds.

Context data & properties

Context data from the styleguide is passed to components as properties.

A component.config.json such as this

  "context": {
    "text": "Hello, World"

Informs a component.svelte such as this:

  export let text;


Will render <h2>Hello, World</h2>.

Asset Helper

For static generation, knowing the root path is important for generating links to assets properly.

As we can't use a handlebars helper such as {{ path "filename" }}, a similar tool is injected into the Svelte context. To use it, fetch it from the context:

  import { getContext } from "svelte";
  const { assetPath } = getContext("fractal");

<img src={assetPath("/assets/some-image.png")} />

Assuming you've configured public/ as your static assets path with fractal.web.set("static.path", __dirname + "/public");, this will link to the asset in public/assets/some-image.png.

Layout Template & Generated HTML

The overall HTML output is wrapped in an <html> element with an html5 doctype.

Layouts are handled as svelte components, which provide a <body>:


  import SomeComponent from "./some-component.svelte";
  import { getContext } from "svelte";
  const { assetPath } = getContext("fractal");

  <meta charset="UTF-8" />
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
  <link rel="stylesheet" href={assetPath("/css/app.css")} />
  <script defer type="module" src={assetPath("/js/app.js")}></script>

  <SomeComponent />

  <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet miss Bacon sic amundiam</p>
  <slot />
  <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet miss Bacon sic amundiam</p>


The component being previewed is inserted into the default slot in the component.

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